Friday, April 16, 2010

Bee Tee Double You

By the way, construction (across the street) is all but over.  The two days that I get to sleep in, I am so happy not to hear the backup beeps of fatty trucks, but the peaceful chirp of spring birds.

Its the time of year when I can sit in my living room and have my window open, unafraid of the torment of bangs and crashes.  I was doing that this very evening.  So now what's the catch?

It's one of those INFERNAL HIGH-TECH BUILDINGS, with a BUILT-IN PARKING GARAGE, with the LKFJOIE CUFOJSDFJ #V)(*$)(@V )( STUPID VOICE that announces whenever a car is leaving!!! AND IT IS SO LOUD!!!!!

"WARNING! A CAR IS APPROACHING" - official man voice

SERIOUSLY!??? ?!!?!?!? !??!?!?!?!?!? I AM AN ENTIRE BLOCK AWAY!!!!!!!