Saturday, March 6, 2010

Acoustic Exploration

The acoustic exploration of a residence is an important step that is not acted upon by most homeowners or renters.  As Jenny detailed in her last post, this is extremely high on my daily priority list. These" groans, screams and melodious melismas" each have a very special purpose... sometimes that purpose being to NOT have a purpose, in a beautiful paradoxical contradiction which creates a paradigm of love.

The other day, for example, I discovered an interesting resonating space in the doorway of Jenny's room which only occurs when one's jaw is parallel with the doorjam, facing 45 degrees away from the closet. Who could have discovered this phenomenon without intense exploration?

Other noises serve as discovering universal linguistic communication. We don't all speak English, but we all experience "waking-up-wishing-we-hadn't-yet-and wish-we-could-stay-under-the-covers-all-day," for example.  I'm pretty sure I've pinned down the exact 2.45 minute melismatic whine that communicates this exact sentiment across all human populations.

Acoustic exploration is not limited to apt. 410.  The residents in apartment 510 (directly above us) like to explore the different squeaks a bedframe can make, in a steady and repetitive way, at 8am or 11am some weekdays.  Jenny is sure that they only listen to one type of music, involving rainforest flutes.

Jenny's sonic utterances not only depict human emotions, but those exerted by other mammals, arthropods or larvae as well. That is all.

Moral of the story: You should think about accepting, instead of ridiculing, those who are interested in acoustic exploration, the next time you see someone screaming down the street. It's a real thing. Explore the airwaves around your home.